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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #97 – A change of plans

Podcasts 1min

Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Level Up!

Hello, everyone! How are you doing?

Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all English podcast! 

Neste episódio, escutamos amigos conversando sobre a mudança de planos de um deles. Nós vemos algumas expressões e formas naturais de conversar com alguém que você conhece bem.

Não se esqueça de repetir os exemplos, em voz alta, com a teacher Liv, para praticar bem a pronúncia e confira o material extra que preparamos para você aqui abaixo!

Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you! Have an awesome week!

Vocabulary Expansion

In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, you learned some new vocabulary and new expressions! You can continue studying here by checking out the dialogue, the expressions with written explanations, and repeating all the sentences!

Julie: Peter? What are you doing here at my party? I thought you were gonna travel this weekend. 
Peter: Yeah, I was going to, but I decided not to miss out
Julie: I’m glad you came! By the way, I need to tell you something.
Peter: It sounds like I shouldn’t have cancelled my trip. Anyways, spit it out!
Julie: Only if you promise you won’t get mad at me.
Peter: Go ahead! I cross my heart
Julie: So, remember that cute cashier from the coffee shop? She’s here! We DMed last night.
Peter: Shut up!

New expressions and Vocabulary!

Was / were + going to
To describe a situation in which a plan was made but didn’t get accomplished, it’s possible to use “going to”. Although it’s used in the future tense, when paired with the past conjugation of the verb “to be”, the meaning changes. See some examples of it being used both in the future and in the past: 

A: You’re not staying out in this rain, are you?
B: Well, I am going to, yes. 

A: You’re not staying out in this rain, are you? 
B: Well, I
was going to, yes. 

In the first example, B has made the decision to stay out in the rain and is sticking to it, so it’s still in the future, as it will be done. In the second version, B changes their mind, so, although there was a plan to stay out in the rain, it is not what’s going to happen, as B decided to NOT stay out in the rain.

Miss out

A phrasal verb meaning to “not be able to experience something” or to “fail to take advantage of an opportunity or chance”. If you “miss out” on something, it means that you didn’t take advantage of something that could be good or entertaining. Commonly used in the internet and informal speech, there’s “fear of missing out” or FOMO, which is the anxiety that builds up when someone is afraid they’re going to miss out on something incredible.

I have to go dancing with them, what if something cool happens? I have severe FOMO
You don’t want to
miss out on Broadway’s Hamilton. It’s brilliant.
Some children
miss out on great opportunities for lack of money.

Spit it out

An informal phrasal verb used when trying to rush someone to tell you something. Used to tell someone to start speaking or to speak more quickly, when they are unwilling to speak or are speaking slowly.

You started talking three hours ago. Spit it out!
Come on, spit it out – I can’t do anything if you don’t tell me what’s going on.
I’m so curious,
spit it out!

To cross someone’s heart

In English, it’s the same as saying “I swear” or “I promise”. It’s used to stress that someone is telling the truth and will do what they promise. You can also ask someone to “cross their heart” when you want them to do something. You can say “cross my heart” or “cross my heart and hope to die” when you want to assure someone that you are telling the truth.

I won’t tell him your secret, cross my heart.
You’ll help me?
Cross your heart?
Don’t worry, I cross my heart and hope to die.

Listen to this episode as many times as you wish, and follow it up with this paper. That way, you’ll be able to memorize all the expressions you’ve learned! You’ll also be able to use them in conversations in the future. And remember, the more contact you have with the English language, the better. So make sure you don’t miss out on our next episode!

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