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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #93 – During break

Podcasts 1min

In this episode, we saw a lot of new expressions while listening to two students talking about their teacher during their break.

In this episode, we saw a lot of new expressions while listening to two students talking about their teacher during their break.Hello, everyone! How are you doing?

Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all English podcast! 

No diálogo de hoje, vimos um monte de novas expressões enquanto escutamos dois alunos conversando sobre o professor, durante o intervalo

Não se esqueça de repetir os exemplos, em voz alta, com a teacher Liv, para praticar bem a pronúncia e confira o material extra que preparamos para você aqui abaixo!

Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you! Have an awesome week!

Vocabulary Expansion

In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, you learned some new vocabulary and new expressions! You can continue studying here by checking out the dialogue, the expressions with written explanations, and repeating all the sentences!


Lucas: Dude, Mr. James was on a roll today!
Petter: Yeah, he
hit the ceiling when he found out that a student plagiarized an essay. 
Lucas: Remember what he said about plagiarists? It just
slipped my mind
Petter: Man, he said that plagiarists are robbers or something like that. Anyways, I think he overexaggerated. 
Lucas: You can say that again. I just hope all this affair
fizzles out. Nobody can put up with Mr. James when he’s angry.  

New expressions and Vocabulary!

On a roll

That expression can have two different meanings. One of those, which is used more commonly, means to be “in a spell of good luck or good fortune”, to be “having a successful period”. The other meaning, which we find in this episode, is that someone is “going on and on about something”, talking a lot about it. 

The presenter was on a roll today!
The Celtics are
on a roll!
I won the lottery, gt a new boyfriend, got promoted and bought a house this month. I’m
on a roll!
Oh my goodness, Dahlia was
on a roll today. She couldn’t stop talking.

Hit the ceiling

An expression that means to “become extremely angry, enraged”. A variation is “hit the roof”. It’s usually associated with displaying said anger, in an explosive manner.

My mom hit the ceiling when she found out I sneaked out.
The boss
hit the ceiling about the recent numbers.
He’s going to
hit the ceiling when he sees this mess.
They just
hit the roof when the insurance company called.

Slipped my mind

Wen something “slips your mind”, it means that it was forgotten. It has the same meaning as “forget”, and it’s commonly used when describing a chore or obligation a person forgot or overlooked.

I was going to tell you about the meeting, but it slipped my mind.
She didn’t tell you about this? It must’ve
slipped her mind.
What’s the word for “ornitorrinco”? It
slipped my mind.
They said the invitation
slipped their minds.

Fizzle out

That phrasal verb is an expression used to describe something that “gradually ends, without a climax”. It can mean “fail”, “die out”, become fainter, less active or to “end in a disappointing and weak manner”.

The protests fizzled out after a week.
I don’t know, the relationship seems to be
fizzling out.
She doesn’t want the momentum to
fizzle out.
The fire started out strong, but it
fizzled out in about an hour.

Put up with

“Put up with” is a phrasal verb with two prepositions, and it means “to tolerate”, “endure something”. It means that someone is accepting something that is unpleasant, for some reason. 

It’s too early in the day for me to put up with Debra’s nagging. 
She can’t
put up with her boss anymore.
puts up with a lot of her issues.
putting up with the renovation.

Listen to this episode as many times as you wish, and follow it up with this paper. That way, you’ll be able to memorize all the expressions you’ve learned! You’ll also be able to use them in conversations in the future. And remember, the more contact you have with the English language, the better. So make sure you don’t miss out on our next episode!

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