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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #88 – The wrong book

Podcasts 1min

Are you sure you’re reading the right book?

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

Welcome to Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up! No episódio desta semana, você vai ouvir uma professora e um aluno conversando durante a aula. O aluno não está curtindo muito a aula, e a professora aproveita para dar uma bronca! O diálogo está cheio de vocabulário e expressões legais, como sempre! Venha ver 😀


Mrs Davis: Pride and Prejudice was published in 1813 and it was completely ahead of its time!
Mr Miller
: Ugh, this is so boring.
Mrs Davis:
Mr Miller, is there anything you would like to share with your classmates?
Mr Miller:
Oh, no! Absolutely not. I’m sorry, Mrs Davis! I was just saying how much I love your classes.
Mrs Davis: I won’t fall for this
one. Please, sit up straight. Do you even have your book with you?
Mr Miller:
Of course! Right here: Sense and Sensibility.
Mrs Davis:
You’ve got the wrong novel, Mr Miller… again. 


1. To be ahead of one’s time

When something or someone is too modern for its time. For example, a book published, during a conservative and sexist period in time, in which a female character is strong and independent. 

Pride and Prejudice was so ahead of its time.
People didn’t understand their style because they were ahead of their time.

2. To fall for something

This is an informal way of saying you believe in something. 

Peter always tells lies… But this time I won’t fall for it. 

She told me this was the right address, and I fell for it!

Passive voice

Verb to be + past participle 

Passive voice is when the subject doesn’t do the action, it receives it. It is very common in the English language! It might indicate that whoever did the action is either unknown, too obvious or not important. 

This book was published in 1813.
> Who published the book is not the most important thing.

She was arrested for stealing.
> Who arrested her was obviously the police, but the focus is on her.

I am treated well at work.
> By my colleagues, of course, but the focus is on me.

The window was broken.
> We might not know who did it.

Time to practice! Don’t forget you can listen to this episode as many times as you want! Try reading the dialogue out loud. We have plenty of episodes like this around here, check it out! 

And make sure to come back here next week for a brand new episode.

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