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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #79 – You’re driving me crazy

Podcasts 1min

Oh my god, stop it! I can't stand you anymore!

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

Welcome to Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up! This episode is so fun! Two friends are having a conversation and it is full of nice expressions. You know when you are so nervous about an exam that you simply can’t stop moving your legs and tapping your pen on the table? That’s exactly what’s going on here. Leslie is trying to focus and Chris is driving her crazy. Come check it out!


Leslie: Will you stop that? It’s driving me crazy!
Chris: What is? The pen tapping or the leg bouncing?
Leslie: Both! I can’t focus on anything but the sound! Can’t you sit still?
Chris: You know I can’t! Have you met me?
Leslie: Look, I know you’re just nervous about the exam, but I’m this close to slapping you over the head.
Chris: Fine, I’ll try, but I make no promises.
Leslie: Aah, much better. Now I can hear myself think.
Chris: [tap, tap, tap]
Leslie: CHRIS!


1. To drive someone crazy: to make someone go crazy. For example: when someone is interrupting you and you can’t focus.

This noise is driving me crazy.
She always drives him crazy.

2. Sit still: to stop moving or to behave. When we tell someone to sit still or to stand still it means they can’t stop moving. This is very common for parents to say.

Jeff, stop being naughty and sit still.
Guys, please, stand still in line.


The word “but” is a conjunction and it means the same as “however” when we want to introduce a contrasting sentence.

I like chocolate but I prefer eating healthy food.

However, the word “but” is also used as a preposition to indicate an exception. In this case, it means “except” or “apart from”.

I don’t like nobody but you. (this is a part of Ed Sheeran’s song featuring Justin Bieber. Check it out)
She took everything but the books. She said she would come get them tomorrow.

That’s all, folks! I hope you’ve learned something nice today, and I hope you come back next week for more! We have plenty of free content available to you.

See you next time, bye!

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