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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #75 – I’m Getting Hitched

Podcasts 1min

Descubra algumas maneiras diferentes de se referir a um casamento com este episódio de Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!

Hello, everyone! How are you doing?

Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all English podcast! No diálogo de hoje, dois amigos conversam sobre o noivado de um deles, usando vários termos diferentes para falar sobre o grande evento que está chegando!

Não se esqueça de repetir os exemplos em voz alta com a teacher Becs para praticar bem a pronúncia, e confira o material extra que preparamos para você aqui abaixo!

Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you! Have an awesome week!

Vocabulary Expansion

In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up you learned some new vocabulary and new expressions! You can continue studying here by checking out the dialogue, the expressions with written explanations, and repeating all the sentences!


Adam: I can’t believe you’re getting hitched!
Leon: Why not?
Adam: Hey, there’s no need to get defensive. I just mean you were always dating around. Didn’t think you’d ever
tie the knot. 
Leon: Oh. Well, to tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure this day would come but Tiffany is something else.
Adam: She really is. And you seem really happy, man.
Leon: I’m
over the moon! Can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle. 

New expressions and Vocabulary!


Get, as you may already know, is one of those verbs in the English language that have an infinity of possible uses! Since our dialogue was about an engagement, how about we check out other related expressions that include “get”, to describe new relationship statuses? The collocation “get hitched” that you saw in the dialogue is a slang version of “get married”:

George got married last spring.
Can you believe that Angela is
getting married? She always said she didn’t like the idea.
I told you those two would
get married!

Before the actual marriage, people usually “get engaged”, which is when one person asks the other to marry them, and they become pledged to be married:

Elizabeth is expecting to get engaged this year. 
When did you guys
get engaged?
got engaged in December and are going to get married in July.

And another change in status that is described with get is “get divorced”, a change that is usually tougher to talk about:

Ryan and Jill are actually happy about getting divorced.
I thought they would never
get divorced.
She seems to be feeling well after she
got divorced.

Get can have this sense of a sudden change of status, in many other different cases.

Over the Moon

There is a big chance that you’ve heard this expression before, it comes up quite often in series. This simple but interesting collocation is a special way of saying that someone is extremely pleased and happy about something!

I just heard that I got my dream job, I’m over the moon!
Jake is
over the moon about the new house.
She was
over the moon when she heard the result.

Fun expressions

There are many expressions in English that describe the idea of getting married. Let’s take a look at some of the most common and fun ways to say that, including some of the ones we saw in our dialogue:

Get hitched
Tie the knot
Walk down the aisle
Say I do
Shack Up
Settle down
Get spliced
Take the plunge

Listen to this episode as many times as you wish, and follow it up with this file. That way, you’ll be able to memorize all the expressions you’ve learned! You’ll also be able to use them in conversations in the future. And remember, the more contact you have with the English language, the better. So make sure you don’t miss out on our next episode!

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