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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #122 – After 9, please!

Podcasts 1min

Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all-English podcast series!

I can’t figure it out!

Hi there!

Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all-English podcast series! No diálogo de hoje, nossos personagens estão se preparando para o início do semestre, mas será que eles vão conseguir vagas em todas as matérias que eles querem, no horário que eles querem?
Não deixe de falar todas as frases em voz alta, junto com a teacher Becs, para praticar bem a sua pronúncia e se tornar cada vez mais confiante com seu inglês. E não deixe de aproveitar o material extra que preparamos para você, está aqui embaixo!

Nós nos vemos na próxima! See you next time!

Vocabulary Expansion

In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up you got to practice your pronunciation and learn some new expressions. You can continue your study session here, by reading the dialogue and checking out the written explanations with examples!


Harry: Have you registered for your classes yet?
No, I can’t figure out which ones to take. You?
Yeah, I just finished signing up. It was tough, though.
Too many options or not enough?
Most of the ones I wanted were too early. You know I don’t function before 9 a.m.
That’s true. Wanna help me pick out mine? We can even do some together.
Oh, we’d be unstoppable. Let’s make it happen.

New expressions and Vocabulary!

Figure out
This phrasal verb has a very specific sense, it is a mix of solving a problem or question, or simply understanding something or someone. It comes up all the time in daily conversation, so check out some examples: 

He is trying to figure out why the TV is so bright.
I’ll give you five bucks if you can
figure out the correct answer to question 3.
It’s tough but I’m sure we will
figure out the best thing to do.
We don’t have much money but we’ll
figure something out.
Jessica is so mysterious, I can’t
figure her out.

Sign up
This is a phrasal verb that will show up in all areas of life. It describes the idea of registering your details to become part of a program or subscription, we use it to describe registering for classes, promotions, newsletters, services, and so on. Let’s take a look at how it looks in sentences:

If you sign up today you will get a 15% discount.
I want to get that newsletter but I forgot to
sign up on their website. 
You will need proof of ID and residency to
sign up at the branch.
signed up for my pottery classes this month. 

Make it happen
This construction is very literal, it expresses the idea of doing what is necessary for something to actually happen, so let’s take a look at some complimentary examples:

Her birthday is three days away, I’m sure we can make the party happen!
We need two more articles, can you
make it happen?
If Jane wants to work with us, I can talk to my boss and try to
make it happen.

Remember that you can listen to this episode as many times as you wish! You can also read along, and enjoy this extra content. That way, you’ll be able to understand these new structures and use them in conversations in the future. Keep in mind that the more daily contact you have with the English language, the better you’ll get, so make sure you’re here for our next episode!

See you next time!

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