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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #103 – First things First

Podcasts 1min

Hey! Did you make up your mind?

Hello, everyone! How are you doing?

Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, our all English podcast! 

Neste episódio, nós vamos escutar dois amigos conversando sobre as opções de um deles para faculdades.

Não se esqueça de repetir os exemplos em voz alta para praticar bem a pronúncia e confira o material extra que preparamos para você aqui abaixo!

Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you! Have an awesome week!

Vocabulary Expansion

In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, you learned some new vocabulary and expressions! You can continue studying here by checking out the dialogue and explanations, as well as repeating each sentence out loud!

Adam: So, have you made up your mind about which college you’re gonna apply to?
Dylan: Not yet. I’m still weeding them out.
Adam: I see… the last time we talked about it, you said you were thinking about going to either Stanford or Columbia.
Dylan: Yeah, I was. But neither of them caught my eyes.
Adam: Why?
Dylan: I heard both of their cafeterias suck.
Adam: Oh, my! [disgusted]

Vocabulary and Grammar!

Weed out
“Weed out” is a phrasal verb that means “to eliminate”. It’s used to express the idea that one is removing an inferior or unwanted component of a group or collection.
There can only be one winner, so we have to weed out the competition. 
I didn’t choose a company yet, I want to
weed them out.
We need a political system that weeds out bad candidates.

A conjunction, adjective, pronoun or determiner, used to talk about possible options for something. Usually used when choosing one option out of two possible ones. As a conjunction, it’s used before the first of two alternatives that are being specified (the other being introduced by “or”), or to indicate a similarity or link with a previous statement. As a determiner, it means “one of the other two people or things”. It’s also used in negative sentences instead of “also” or “too”:

Either you explain what happened or you’re grounded. 
either working or shopping.
either sleep now or we stay awake until tomorrow.
You can take
either highway, they take us to the same place.
My husband doesn’t like celery, and I don’t
Don’t worry, we haven’t read the syllabus,
She doesn’t like eggs, and she doesn’t like fish
It was an excellent restaurant, and it wasn’t very expensive
I believe the best options are
either the red one or the green one.

A conjunction, adjective, pronoun or determiner, used before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives that are being specified to indicate that they are each untrue or each do not happen. It can be used to introduce another negative statement, and to indicate that it’s not one or the other, “not either”. It allows you to make two negative statements at the same time.

Unlike her friends, she is neither a snob nor a gossip.
He didn’t remember to buy the groceries, and
neither did I.
Sarah can’t drive, and
neither can Josh.
Neither of them could speak Mandarin.
Neither of my grandparents went to university.
“I don’t feel like going out today.” “Me
He has two computers, but
neither works properly.
“Which jacket do you like better, the black one or the blue one?” “
Neither. I prefer the yellow one.”

Catch someone’s eye(s)
To notice or pay attention to something, or to attract someone by making eye contact.

I was leaving, but Sebastian caught my eye.
Nothing here was catching her eyes.
A sudden movement was bound to catch his eye.

Listen to this episode as many times as you wish, and follow it up with this file. That way, you’ll be able to memorize all the expressions you’ve learned! You’ll also be able to use them in conversations in the future. And remember, the more contact you have with the English language, the better. So make sure you don’t miss out on our next episode!

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