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Culture Talks #35 – Quais são os melhores episódios de série sobre Thanksgiving?

Podcasts 1min

O feriado de ação de graças é algo muito distante da realidade brasileira, então que tal começar a entender melhor o clima e a celebração através das séries? Vem descobrir quais são os episódios mais famosos e queridos sobre o tema.

O feriado de ação de graças é algo muito distante da realidade brasileira, então que tal começar a entender melhor o clima e a celebração através das séries? Vem descobrir quais são os episódios mais famosos e queridos sobre o tema.

Use esse material de aluno como um guia visual para o podcast sobre episódios de séries sobre Thanksgiving! Aqui você encontrará todas as palavras-chave e sinopses que vimos no episódio:

  1.  Safe

    Dividir em


    Warm and fuzzy feeling
    Um quentinho gostoso no coração

    Todos os moradores de uma mesma casa


Gilmore Girls feels comfortable, safe, and familiar. Rory and Lorelai split the holiday into four visits, first to the Kim’s, then to Luke’s, then Sookie’s, and eventually to Emily’s. Each visit is a little slice of the town’s family life, with the different cuisines served in the different households. Including a deep-fried turkey at Sookie’s. This episode leaves you with a warm and fuzzy feeling

  1. Disapproving


    Extra helping
    Porção extra

    Tensions run high
    As tensões vão às alturas

    Nowhere to be found
    Lugar nenhum


Thanksgiving often provokes drama—from somebody disapproving of a family member’s new boyfriend to cooking plans going disastrous. And if you would like an extra helping of drama, come visit this Gossip Girl episode. When Dan invites the Van Der Woodsens to his home, tensions run high across the table. Meanwhile, somewhere uptown Blair is having a fight with Serena and her family is nowhere to be found

  1. Unconventional
    Não convencional

    En route
    A caminho


    Roadside motel
    Hotel de beira de estrada


    To hold dearly
    Apegar-se com carinho


This Is Us has viewers in tears by the end of each of their episodes. And as always, the Pearson family is a little unconventional. In the episode’s flashback, Jack, the Big Three, and Rebecca are en route to Rebecca’s parents, but their car breaks down and festivities are forced to start in a roadside motel with only hot dogs. Jack creates their own Pearson family traditions. No matter how odd, sometimes our childhood family traditions are what we hold most dearly.

  1. Awkward

    Pós término de relacionamento

    On the flip side
    Do outro lado

    Amarried couple
    Um casal casado

    Lead to
    Levar a



How I Met Your Mother knew how to make fantastic holiday episodes. “Slapsgiving” gets into those awkward post-break-up feelings, as Ted and Robin try friendship after being a couple. On the flip side is Marshall and Lily, who are celebrating their first Thanksgiving as a married couple. This leads to some division in the friend group, as Lily urges Robin to talk things out with Ted, while Ted tries hard to ignore it. 

  1. Messy

    Age well
    Envelhecer bem

    Personal history
    História pessoal



During this episode, the gang recalls past Thanksgivings gone messy. Some of it hasn’t aged particularly well, but it’s still a fun journey through the personal histories of our favorite characters. Monica with that sunglasses-wearing turkey on her head, Chandler and Ross in those outfits, an apparently immortal Phoebe in a WWI field hospital—it’s pure, iconic Friends imagery with a holiday twist.

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