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Make VS Do

Videos 1min

If there’s something that always confuses English learners, then it is telling the difference between “do” and “make”.

If there’s something that always confuses English learners, then it is telling the difference between “do” and “make”.
So, let’s find out!

The meaning of “do”

Do: to execute an activity; to act; to perform. Like in:

“The student does the homework”. That is, the student is filling out the answers.
But now, let’s take a look at the meaning of “make”.

The meaning of make

Make: to construct; to create; to assemble something. Like in:

“The teacher makes the homework”. That is, there was just a blank paper before the teacher took that paper and created the tasks.
So why “MAKE the bed”? Well, because every rule has its exceptions. It is what it is!

I hope you enjoyed this video. If so, send it to a friend who’s also learning English!
See you later!

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