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Phrasal verbs: introduction

Videos 2min

Phrasal verbs are very common when we are speaking English. They can enrich our dialogue. Also, they’re very easy. Check it out!

Phrasal verbs are very common when we are speaking English. They can enrich our dialogue. Also, they’re very easy. Check it out!

Phrasal verbs are the combination between a verb + one or two prepositions. Think of the verb “give”, that has the meaning of handing something to another person, like a gift. If I say “give up”, it has a completely different meaning:

Give up → no longer participate in something.

Some more examples:

Work out → to exercise.
Look up to → to be inspired by someone, to admire someone.
Find out → discover.
Call off → cancel.
Drop out → quit.

You can also use a phrasal verb to tone down what you are saying. Like so:

Pass away → a respectful and caring way to say “to die”.

Like I said, phrasal verbs are pretty common when we are speaking. But, if you are writing something more formal, try using corresponding verbs.
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