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How to pronounce (st): first, fastest, worst

Videos 1min

Hey, guys! You must have noticed that in words like “first”, “fast” and “most”, we can hear the “st” as clear as day.

Hey, guys! You must have noticed that in words like “first”, “fast” and “most”, we can hear the “st” as clear as day. However, in sentences like:

My first dog was a Terrier.
This is the most peaceful place.
I like fast cars.

Where did the “T” go? In native speech, when we combine words that end with “st” right before another word, we hardly pronounce the “T” sound.

One more example:

Now, try this:

Host family

Almost sounds like “hos family”. We don’t hear the letter “T”.

And that’s it for today! I hope you enjoyed this One Minute Tip. Don’t forget to send this to your friends that are studying English!
See you next time!

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