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Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #76 – Hindsight is 20/20

Podcasts 1min

If I knew this was a horrible idea....

Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

Welcome to Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up! O episódio de hoje está cheio de expressões interessantes! Dois amigos estão tentando desmontar uma estante, mas eles não sabiam que essa seria uma péssima ideia… Escute o episódio quantas vezes quiser, assim você vai praticar sua pronúncia e expandir seu vocabulário! Let’s go!


Edmund: This was a horrible idea.
Aaron: What are you talking about? It was YOUR idea!
Edmund: Yeah, well, you shouldn’t listen to me. My ideas are awful.
Aaron: No arguments here. What do we do now?
Edmund: Well, the show must go on. Leave that bookshelf the way it is and let’s carry on with packing for the move tomorrow.
Aaron: Fine, but I’m never listening to you again. It’s true what they say, hindsight is 20/20.
Edmund: Ain’t that the truth.

Grammar Structure

You shouldn’t listen to me.

We use “should” when we want to give people advice. Notice that we can say what we think people should do and what we think they shouldn’t do. Take a look at these other examples:

You should study English regularly.
He shouldn’t spend so much time on Instagram.

New expressions

The show must go on.

This expression comes from show business! It means that no matter what happens, you have to do what you have planned to do or what people are expecting you to do. Some people say this expression comes from circus performers! When they got injured during an act, they had to continue entertaining the audience because the show must/has to go on!

Hindsight is 20/20.

This is a proverb/saying – like “ditados populares” in Brazilian Portuguese. Hindsight means to look back, to look at the past, like a retrospective. The term 20/20 comes from ophthalmology. When someone has a 20/20 vision, it means their eyes have normal performance and they do not need glasses. When we say “hindsight is 20/20” it means it is easy to see things clearly when it has already happened. That is, we cannot predict things but once they have happened, we can look back and understand it. Because hindsight is 20/20, we can have a perfect vision.

We cannot translate it literally into our language because it is an American proverb. The same way we cannot translate expressions like “Em casa de ferreiro, espeto é de pau.” But we can try to explain its meaning! Now, take a look at these examples:

A: Oh my god, why did I buy this computer? It is awful!
B: Relax… hindsight is 20/20. We can always learn from our mistakes.

Hey, don’t be sad! How could you possibly know this was a bad decision? You know… Hindsight is 20/20.

That’s all, folks! Don’t forget we have new episodes every week and you can create a nice study routine with all the free content you find here. Remember you can listen to this episode many times. See you next time! Bye!

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